An illustration of a galaxy in shades of blue.

Coda (5)

The Unofficial NBA Jam Sega Genesis Database

This is a Coda doc I built to house all of the information on the teams and players in the Sega Genesis game NBA Jam. This includes all of the player stats, ratings, averages, artwork, and more! I built it while making a doc to…

Album Recommendations

This is a document to help you keep track of albums that people and places have recommended to you! Created in Coda, easily accessible from desktop and mobile, and very flexible to suit each person's needs and interests. Link Screenshots Search for albums to be…

Coffee Chronicle

Back at the very beginning of the pandemic, I wanted to learn how to use Coda. I was also experimenting with a variety of coffee pour-over recipes, and soon enough, I had the idea to make a timer in Coda. This quickly spiraled well beyond…

Mac Software Review

I built this Coda doc to help track a whole bunch of worthy macOS software. I've tagged and organized everything by license, cost, category, developer, and more. This is meant to be a help for myself, and also a fairly comprehensive list of things to…

Audio Search Coda Pack

⚠️ WARNING: Spotify Denied This Pack 😭 Welcome to the Audio Search Coda Pack! This pack enables you to search for and seamlessly integrate Spotify data into your Coda docs, empowering you to create rich, music-driven documents in Coda. Why? Because the Coda-built Spotify pack…